THE PARLOR CITY 5K Run was Canceled for July, 2022. Downtown Binghamton will host the 15th edition of Binghamton’s namesake 5K in 2023. Once again, we are a certified US Amateur Track & Field 5K distance (NY14059JG). Starting on the east side of the Court Street Bridge, it circuits our historic West Side of Binghamton before ending back at the 2020 July Fest. Relatively flat and fast, it has a very long downhill toward the river-crossing finish. After the race, there will be a free Kid's Run – a short dash across the Court Street Bridge. Once again we will be joined by LIVE JAZZ ARTISTS from the July Fest stage for the start and finish of the race. Aside from Open and Masters overall, there are PRIZES available in all 16 categories. The July Fest weekend is July 10th, 11th and 12th this year.
Also, the race is the 6th event in the new Empire Road Race Series whose goals are to encourage fitness and health in New York State and AWARD serious swag. Support our communities! Whether you’re a novice or seasoned competitor, test your limits and finish all TEN races. You will have the most FUN ever with a variety of races we offer and HONORARY SWAG to celebrate your fitness and competitive achievements!

The series consists of: